Tag: exhibition

  • 一場遊戲一場夢



  • The Walking Guide for a generation that is not

    The Walking Guide for a generation that is not

    Everyone who goes to 2046 has the same intention, they want to recapture lost memories. Because in 2046 nothing ever changes. But, nobody knows if that is true or not because no-one has ever

  • 應激之機



  • Un Bout de Moi/A piece of MEAT

    Un Bout de Moi/A piece of MEAT

    To be an artist, of whatever sort, more than technique is required. To think of Yuanfang’s works being pieces of her, literally or metaphorically, is a path to understand an artist, a female, a person, and to comprehend her emotions, desires and the complexities of her bare existence. Unlike asking for the price of a…

  • Bridge to Palestine

    Bridge to Palestine

    The exhibition would not be categorized into any particular type in the history as it is a clear mixture of such, especially in a region that is emerging and stuck in the turmoil. Nonetheless, the influence of pop art and abstract art, despite being late in terms of chronology, is profound.It is absolutely interesting to…